Hello everyone!!! I'm back with this special blog. I haven't done this in like a year. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! First things First. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER. (www.twitter.com/clemred21) That's like a blog in itself because I snap on different topics daily. Support your boy!!! Okay now do the topic. I will be asking a question and kind of answering it in the same blog. So you will be entertained.
I’ve noticed a lot of things in my 21 years of living. People will stay in a bad situation, no matter what, if they become attached to any element of that condition. It doesn’t take much to get attached. If you got a bad job, the pay is what makes you stay because you have become attached to making a certain amount of money. Well this statement is true concerning RELATIONSHIPS. Human Beings are known to stay in bad relationships because of attachment. Or in other words, people in relationships get hooked into bad predicaments because of the thought of self perceived LOVE. I call it SELF PERCEIVED LOVE because normally LOVE in a bad situation is not really LOVE. It’s just a feeling at a moment in time and nothing true.
This is really evident with GIRLS. It is known that girls are EMOTIONAL creatures. Every decision they make is based on feelings and sentiment. So because they are such an emotional bunch, they are easily fooled into bad relationships. Every person has a need to be LOVED. But every person has a level of tolerance for what they are willing to sacrifice for LOVE. Well most females have a HIGH TOLERANCE LEVEL when they are looking for LOVE and will put up with a lot of mess to keep it. But can we really call what they put up with LOVE???? I beg to differ. I personally think they put up with a lot of mess because they are not really sure what LOVE is. And once they get a hold of something that is thought to be LOVE, they attempt to hold on to it without truly analyzing whether it is LOVE or not.
I’ve seen girls get with a dude who everyone knows is cheating on them and they always make an excuse to stay with that person. Some girls have even walked in on their man while he was in the act of cheating and still forgave him. And what for??? So what you have good sex. So what if he makes you feel good for moments at a time. SO WHAT if he is ALL you think you can get. It makes NO difference if he treats you like a prop and not the human being that you are.
Is a MAN worth it when he’s more concerned with his status rather than your feelings? Is it worth it to hear all the whispers of the people saying that your boyfriend is cheating on you with another girl? If it is then there has to be some kind of self evaluation going on in your life. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go of something that is thought to be special even when it’s the right thing to do. But this is life and it is filled with tough decisions that you have to make them whether you want to or not.
In all honesty, if a man is treating his girl with total disrespect and doesn’t honor the relationship, then it’s time to let that person go. By staying in that predicament, it makes you look real needy and shows how reliant you are of other people. I understand that you invested a lot of time into making your relationship work, but to everything there is a season and your season has run its course. It will be hard to let that person go, but it’s even harder if you continue to live in the lie that you are stuck in. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE.
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